Friday, November 14, 2008

1/2 marathon

Did anyone know that Hubby could run? Cuz I didn't know that! Apparantly, the boy's got some stamina. At least 13 miles worth. I, on the other hand, got out of breath just watching him. I am proud of him. He finished in 1 hour, 50 minutes. Good job, Hubby.
Here's a pic of my hunk all sweaty and about to drop.

and a few more...

with his mama and papa

We miss you Ben!!

And, I just had to include this picture of is laugh out loud hilarious!

If that picture does not make you love him, you are hopeless ;)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

you know school is really bad when...

when you go to your old blog that you haven't written on for a year & start writing.

i am trying to compose an annotated bibliography for one class and a topic proposal for another & i have about one hour till i have to leave the library.
so why am i blogging?
confident? not so much...
foolish? getting closer...
apathetic? home run.

i'm tired, this is hard, and i dont like thinking.

i have been considering about picking this blog back up anyway. i know very few people read it, but it's kinda fun to write about life.
not that i have much to update anyone one.
i'm married now & that's cool. my cat is on a diet (i hate to say good-bye to that perfect round belly of his, but health is more important than vanity so i hear). yeah, that's about it.

happy november